Cracking the TOEFL iBT with Audio CD - 2019 Edition - Quynh Huong Center for Foreign Language Translation & Education

30 May 2019


Cracking the TOEFL iBT with Audio CD - 2019 Edition

Get all the prep you need to ace the Test of English as a Foreign Language with a full-length simulated TOEFL iBT test, an MP3 CD with accompanying audio sections, thorough reviews of core topics, and proven strategies for tackling tough questions.

Techniques That Actually Work.
• Step-by-step strategies for every section of the exam
• Lessons on how to identify the main ideas of a passage or lecture
• Tips on how to effectively organize your ideas

Everything You Need to Know for a High Score.
• Grammar review to brush up on the basics
• Expert subject reviews for the core concepts of the TOEFL
• Comprehensive guidance on how to write a high-scoring essay

Practice Your Way to Perfection.
• 1 full-length simulated TOEFL iBT with accompanying audio sections on CD (also available as streaming files online)
• Practice drills for the Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing sections
• Detailed answer explanations for the practice test and drills

Please click here to download eBook and Audio.

Enjoy learning!


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