Assertiveness and Self Confidence Training - Quynh Huong Center for Foreign Language Translation & Education

14 Jul 2021


Assertiveness and Self Confidence Training


It is important to be assertive in key moments. This will help you avoid miscommunications in your professional and personal lives. You can improve your communication skills with friends, co-workers, and partners by being assertive.

Being assertive can help you manage anger and stress, and improve your coping skills. Learn assertive communication and behaviour.

Although aggressiveness and assertiveness are often confused, they are very different. Individuals who are assertive show respect for the person they are dealing with, negotiate well, and try to compromise. However, individuals who communicate aggressively tend to be rude, manipulative, and abusive.

Assertiveness is an essential communication skill. Being assertive can allow you to express yourself clearly and defend your views, while respecting others' rights and beliefs.

Does Self-confidence equal Assertiveness?

Your mental health and well-being depends on your self-confidence. It is based on how you perceive yourself and your abilities. Your own thoughts may be flawed. It's important to remember that self-confidence can be influenced by your actual abilities and skills.
Training for Assertive Skills

Training in assertiveness teaches you how to communicate clearly and effectively and commands respect. This important communication skill can be learned and practiced with the online, classroom or on-site assertiveness courses.

Research has shown that assertiveness training can reduce stress. Although assertiveness training is now more popular among business professionals, it was once a stand-alone treatment in clinical psychology. You and your employees can significantly improve their lives by learning assertiveness training.
Training your team

Is training right for you?

· If you are looking to increase your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-esteem, a course is right for you

· If you are looking for short-term and long-term strategies to increase your self-confidence, a course is right for you

· If you are afraid of social situations, a course can help you

· If you are looking to improve and expand your self-awareness through fun activities, a course is right for you

There are two ways to improve your confidence. While the ultimate goal is to be more confident in your abilities and yourself, it's also important to consider how you can make others feel confident.

Self-confidence can be displayed in many ways, including your behaviour, body language, and what and how you speak it.

Positive image projecting to others can improve self-confidence. This is not a matter of "faking" it. If you project confidence, others will respond positively. This positive feedback will help to believe in your abilities.

We tend to shrink when we are anxious. This can be seen in meetings where we hunch our shoulders and bow our heads. Sitting straight and being more assertive can help you feel less stressed. If you are presenting, spread your hands slightly towards your audience to show openness and willingness to share your ideas.

Confident people feel more confident than they do about themselves. How they interact with others and how they progress in their careers is also affected by self-esteem. Confidence is key to motivation, attitude, and ethics. Confidence training for managers and employees can increase performance, improve job satisfaction, and reveal hidden leadership potential.

As a manager, HR professional or team leader, how can you boost their confidence and keep them from getting too excited?

Employees can gain insight into their communication and collaboration styles. This is the first step in boosting self-understanding. A DISC assessment, which can help you understand how your employee communicates, resolves conflict and solves problems, is a great tool. It is amazing how knowing these things can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Managers will also benefit from a reliable assessment tool. Managers can balance their team members when they are able to understand the communication dynamics within their teams. A more action-oriented person might need time to think things over; someone who wants to be the leader of the discussion might need to learn how lead it. Someone who is averse to change and prefers stability might need encouragement to try new ideas. So on.

A colleague might have the best ideas in the room but they won't be able to communicate their thoughts with confidence. It is important to know what our goals are for any conversation or presentation. For a clear and effective communication, it is important to be prepared and not allow emotions to get in the way.

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